The Institute for Liberal Values
The Dissidents
Don't Be Afraid of Ideas
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:05:03

Don't Be Afraid of Ideas

Season 5, Episode 3 | Institute for Liberal Values

In introducing this podcast, I first want to acknowledge how darn pleased I am to have advisors in our organization who think differently than me and who aren’t afraid to say as much. This podcast originated when one of our advisors, Pam Hayes-Bohanan, pushed back after an ILV panel discussion on Ethnic Studies. We have had many previous podcasts, labs and panels that question the trends in Ethnic Studies, so when I received this critique, I wanted to know more. Unsurprisingly, although we found many areas where we our perspectives differed, namely around Paulo Freire’s book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, through the conversation we also found unexpected convergence. In exploring our different viewpoints, we came to agree that one of the biggest problems is the flattening of education. We discuss the myriad of ways this is being done, including devaluing subject matter experts, a closing of ranks within some colleges of education, the rise of “pre-packaged” curricula, a growing number of administrators who micromanage education, often stripping it of its richness including critical thinking, the mechanical teaching for a test versus to instill the love of learning, and the downgrading of curiosity. While each of these problems may require distinct solutions, one thing we can all agree on is the need to, as Pam says, “not be afraid of ideas” and “just read more books”. More specifically, read books you tend to criticize (e.g. Freire in my case) to develop your own critical thinking skills and thereby learn HOW to think instead of WHAT to think.

The Institute for Liberal Values

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Podcast Resources

Precious Knowledge documentary

Going Varsity in Mariachi

On Settler Colonialism: Ideology, Violence and Justice, by Adam Kirsch

A Third Way on the Place of Critical Race Theory in the Classroom, Real Clear Education, by Amna Khalid, David Bernstein and Jennifer Richmond

The Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire

The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros

ILV Ethnic Studies Recordings:

Depoliticizing the Classroom: The Role of the Teacher

September Liberal Values Lab: Ethnic Studies in Your School

Ethnic Studies: From Radical Roots to Government Mandate

Jonathan Rauch will join us for a livestream on February 6 at 7pm ET. In the meantime, join Jen (a Presbyterian), Elizabeth (an Atheist), and Matt (a Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) for 3 book club episodes focused on Cross Purposes.

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